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You Can Handle Anything!

Dec 26, 2017

One way to get unSTUCK and evolve into a newer version of yourself is by visioning.

Different from goal setting, this is a practice of actually seeing yourself AS your new self.

This takes courage, bravery, and vulnerability.

It stretches your mind and opens it up to anything in the realm of possibility.

Join me with...

Dec 18, 2017

We do not live our lives in a vacuum.

We are who we are in this world because of the experiences and people we come into contact with.

The S.T.U.C.K. Method wasn't created in a bubble, but rather from standing on the shoulders of giants and learning wisdom that came before me.

Tune in to this week's episode and learn...

Dec 12, 2017

Often times when we get "stuck", we are blinded from reality and often times lose faith to what the future can hold.

Tune in to this week's episode to hear a story of how considering faith gave me the confidence to move forward with a project that otherwise seemed daunting and impossible to me.

And consider where in...

Dec 5, 2017

When we are in a "stuck" spot, we can self-sabotage the joy that can otherwise be experienced in any given moment.

Whether we are stuck on anger, anxiety, fear, frustration, disappointment, desire, depression or any other emotion, if we take a stop, we can touch the joy that always exists and that is always behind the...

Nov 26, 2017

Revisiting the time I landed in the hospital and nearly died was not easy for me to share in this podcast episode.

But, I did so to encourage you to talk to God - whether you are religious or not, whether you even believe in God or not. It's something to consider. It's something I never considered until that time when I...