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You Can Handle Anything!

Dec 31, 2018

Getting unstuck is like a decluttering of the mind.

All the thoughts, emotions, stories, dramas, and memories are taking up space in your space in your head.

Space that could otherwise be used for productivity, creativity, or even love.

Last week, I was interviewed on the "Journey to Organization" podcast with personal...

Dec 23, 2018

Have you ever gotten upset with someone about an opinion they voiced?

Have you ever gotten upset with someone who succeeded in persuading someone else?

That happened to me just a couple of days ago.

I got really upset with someone - and funny enough, I am not even sure who that "someone" was.

All I know is the...

Dec 17, 2018

We are not God.

Although, often times we act as if we are.

It's not on purpose - it's just the way our minds naturally work.

We judge as if we know how the world should be.

And how people in our lives should be acting (or not acting).

I got stuck the other day judging my husband.

Although, he never found out because I...

Dec 11, 2018


The Consideration Cards are HERE!

And they're now available on my website!

Tune in to hear all about them.

Or, click here to go directly to the sales page and order right away!

I already have my deck!

I can't wait for you to get yours!

Give yourself this gift.

And consider gifting a deck to someone you...

Dec 3, 2018

Do you have a yearly tradition of doing a "year in review"? 

2018 is coming to an end.

What did you accomplish this past year?

What did you create?

What did you maintain?

Where did you grow?

How much have you loved?

Where did you forgive?

Where would you like to improve?

Join me on this episode as I reflect on 2018 and...