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You Can Handle Anything!

Nov 26, 2019

Emotional well-being requires knowledge and gentle practice.

Learn all about my 1:1 and group program opportunities and how you can work with me to get unSTUCK in your life and in your relationships.

Nov 18, 2019

Because our minds tend to think in historic patterns and familiar ways of thinking, we are often blinded by the choices that lay in front of us.

It is for this reason that we stay stuck. 

Having a coach or a friend who can help guide you to see other ways of thinking can help you get unSTUCK, which is exactly...

Nov 11, 2019

I don't know about you, but when holidays arrive, I tend to fall off my usual health and wellness routine.

Rather than waking up each morning and maintaining my morning wellness routine, I sleep in and just this small change sets off a negative domino-effect for my day.

Does this ever happen to you? 

Does your health...

Nov 6, 2019

Do you feel like being Challenged?
Let's face it.
Getting unSTUCK is simple, but it's not always easy.
In fact, sometimes it's just really hard - because our minds want to hold on tightly to the stories we tell ourselves and we want to stay RIGHT!
Do you know why?
Well, letting go of a story often leads to fear of: Who...

Nov 3, 2019

The stand-up comedian we hired for my brother-in-law's 40th surprise party cancelled 3 days before the event.

I got stuck on frustration, disappointment, worry, and anxiety.

And I got unstuck when I considered doing something out of the ordinary - that is, when I considered taking on being a stand-up comedian for the...