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You Can Handle Anything!

Apr 27, 2021

Last week's episode was dedicated to understanding the concept of quasi-pleasures. 

This week, tune in to learn more about how decreasing (or eliminating) the number of quasi-pleasures in your life can lead to creating pure joy in your life and in your relationships.

The doors to the 6-week "Emotionally Equipped...

Apr 20, 2021

There are two ways to experience joy in your life.

One way is with what I call "quasi-pleasures."

In this week's episode, I share what "quasi-pleasures" are, how they are incredibly abundant in our lives today, and in which ways they can (and do) affect us.

If you're looking to experience more joy in your life, tune...

Apr 13, 2021

My father-in-law passed away this week.

The death was actually a tragic one.

And still, I found pockets of joy during this time.

Tune in to learn more and get inspired as to where you may be able to find joy during tumultuous events in your life.

Sign up for the unSTUCK...

Apr 6, 2021

Far too often we get into the habit of living our lives in certain ways without giving it too much thought.

In a way, we walk around half a sleep, even if knowing that "waking up" would actually improve our lives in countless ways.

One way to get out of the habit of being yourself is to question everything.

While it can...