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You Can Handle Anything!

Jan 11, 2021

Do you ever get stuck on caring what other people think of you?

It's a very common human behavior to do this.
We come from a tribal background where fitting in literally often meant a matter of life or death.
But there are lots of problems with this:
*You may not ever be able to change to their desires.
*If you are able to change, you'll become someone who you're not.
* You can't control other people's opinions anyway.
In the Living Deliberately community this month, we are focusing on and internalizing the word "Courage."
I have lots of different definitions for courage.
One of which is letting others be wrong about you.
I think that takes courage.
Tune in to this week's Living Deliberately podcast to hear more.
And join me next week for my FREE webinar: 3 tools to Live Your Best Life!