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You Can Handle Anything!

Jun 26, 2017

Sometimes we make our "stuck" stories bigger than they really are.

We don't do this consciously, but it's something we do sometimes.

Listen in to how you can consider, "It's not such a big deal".

And listen how you can share your story with me on this podcast!

And, thank you for considering leaving me a review on...

Jun 20, 2017

What do you do when your child gets stuck? Do you have a tool to help them get unSTUCK? Listen in to to see how you can guide your child to get unSTUCK, even without your child knowing what you're doing!

I would love to hear your feedback if you try this with your child!

  • Subscribe to the Getting Unstuck podcast.

Jun 12, 2017

When things don't go the way you planned can often times lead you to getting stuck. 

In this episode, we explore considering that whatever the situation was, even if you didn't expect it, or anticipate it, or even like it - you can consider that whatever happened was meant to be.

While it may not be easy, it can...

Jun 5, 2017

This episode is dedicated to exploring the power and value of the 1st step to The S.T.U.C.K. Method - the "stop".

Learn the importance of taking stops in your life and how you can begin implementing them in your life today!

And if you liked what you heard today or something resonated with you, please leave me a review...