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You Can Handle Anything!

Jun 29, 2020

Have you ever been in a place where you need to make a decision, but instead you find yourself saying:

"I don't know what to do."

"I don't know what to decide."

"I'm afraid."

Lacking self-trust of your decisions can hold you back from living the life you want to live.

I don't know anyone who wants to look back at their...

Jun 22, 2020

Getting rejected is a difficult thing.

It can hurt you emotionally and it can hold you back.

But, does it need to?

Is there a way to live deliberately with (and despite of) rejection?

Tune in to this episode of the Living Deliberately podcast to hear some places I recently got rejected and what I chose to do them, and...

Jun 16, 2020

While there may be more than one area of your life you would like to see a change, attempting to create too many changes at the same time may prove to be futile.

Therefore, rather than trying to tackle everything at once, consider creating a long-term "greater goal."

Having a "greater goal" will help you feel more...

Jun 9, 2020

"Respect" was the focus of discussion in this month's "Living Deliberately Together" on-line gathering. 

I prompted those in attendance to reflect upon where respect shows up (or doesn't show up) in their lives, what respect looks like, and where they want to see more of it in the world.

Tune in to this week's podcast...

Jun 1, 2020

When things are not going right in your life, it is far easier to blame others, than it is to take 100% responsibility for what's going on and how you are feeling.

Your lower brain is going to do what it does best: reach for the most efficient and effective way to resolve your situation: which is to say, to blame...