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You Can Handle Anything!

Jul 26, 2022

When you go on vacation, do you ever think about how you can set yourself up for having the best vacation possible?

In this week's episode, I share my thoughts on how to do just that.

You may be surprised as to what I have to share!

Jul 19, 2022

Would you say you are a person who:

a) reacts automatically to things and makes quick decisions, or

b) questions what you see and hear, and takes your mind to respond to things?

When we live on autopilot and react quickly to things, it has the potential to get us stuck.

But, when we learn to pause and question things...

Jul 12, 2022

Did you know that it's your expectations that get you stuck?

If you didn't have expectations, you would never get stuck.

Have you ever stopped to realize that?

But the question is, is it possible to live your life without expecting things?

Is that a realistic way to live?

Tune in to this week's episode to hear...

Jul 5, 2022

Whenever you get stuck on feeling frustrated, disappointed, angry or any other difficult emotion, it's likely because you don't accept the situation.

You may not articulate it in that exact way, but it's likely that's what you're actually thinking.

Tune in to this week's episode to hear how you get unSTUCK...