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You Can Handle Anything!

Aug 30, 2022

There is an emotional element to everything in life.

And that includes eating.

As humans, we have a tendency to want to avoid feeling uncomfortable emotions - and that resistance can lead to us numbing our emotions.

Some people have a tendency to turn to alcohol or drugs or social media or Netflix to avoid feeling hard...

Aug 23, 2022

"Transfer of learning" is a psychological concept that occurs when people apply information, strategies, and skills they have learned to a new situation or context.

But what does transfer of learning have to do with your emotions?

Check out this week's episode to learn more and to hear how you can start to apply this...

Aug 16, 2022

If you want to create a change in your life, you need to learn how to live your life on purpose.

If you want to create a new habit or reach a goal, you need to learn how to handle the small moments that comprise that experience.

And this way of living is what I call, Living Deliberately.

But before you get started, you...

Aug 9, 2022

Bring to mind with whom you are close - whether that's a spouse, parent, sibling, neighbor, boss, client, or friend.

How well do you think you know that person?

You may tend to believe you know everything about that person.

The problem is, when you live from a place of "all-knowing," you limit the possibilities for that...

Aug 2, 2022

What if a neighbor comes by your house each day and expects to sit and have coffee with you, but you're not interested?

Or what if a family member calls you every day and expects to speak with you at times that aren't good for you?

What do you do?

The answer can be found in this week's podcast.

And the practical part...