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You Can Handle Anything!

Apr 22, 2018

"There was an incident at school today."

The last thing any parent wants to hear.

I started to feel my heart pounding outside of my body.

And all I wanted to do was protect my son from being scarred for life from this situation.

I was stuck on worry.

But, I got myself unSTUCK by considering, as difficult as it was to...

Apr 17, 2018

"But mom, it's not fair!" said my son.

And you know what, he was right!

It wasn't fair.

And I got stuck on trying to protect him so that he wouldn't have to feel the pain of living through something "not fair" at the young age of 7.

Sometimes we get stuck on trying to protect our children so they don't have to feel...

Apr 8, 2018

We get stuck when we are set in our patterned ways of seeing and doing things.

Children can teach us a thing or two regarding adapting to life's challenges.

Tune in to this week's episode and see what you may be able to learn from a 12 year-old boy.