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You Can Handle Anything!

Jan 28, 2020

I am a big fan and proponent of going on retreats.

I believe that going on a retreat, even just for a few days, can do wonders for your emotional health and well-being.

There are countless retreats being offered around the world all the time.

In this podcast episode I share with you 3 upcoming opportunities for you to...

Jan 21, 2020

My grandmother passed away last week.

She was just shy of celebrating her 94th birthday.

I flew in from Israel to be with my family in mourning and in celebration of her life.

My father invited my siblings and me to speak at the funeral and I responded positively, but I got stuck on how to deliver a eulogy.

My almost...

Jan 14, 2020

I did something the other week that was really stupid.

I mean, really, really stupid.

And I needed help to fix my mistake, but I got stuck on embarrassment and so I didn't want to share my mistake with anyone.

Has that ever happened to you?

Tune into to this week's (funny) story and learn how I considered being...

Jan 6, 2020

One of my main teachings with Getting unSTUCK and Getting CLEAR is to look forward, rather than to look back.

It's not really effective or efficient to look backwards because that's not the direction you are going.

Forward is.

In today's episode, I share with you all the goodness I intend to create, share, and offer you...